Department of Structural Reliability
The Department’s scientific and research activities are oriented towards the reliability and risk assessment of structures and technical systems in the construction industry, as well as the creation of national and international standards, their introduction into the system of Czech standards, and the solution of national and international research and educational projects. Employees of the Department are actively involved in a number of international scientific and research organizations.
Activities of the Department of Structural Reliability
From the activities of the Department, both in the scientific-research and commercial fields, let us name for example:
- development of probabilistic methods for verifying the reliability of structures,
- risk assessment of structures and technical systems,
- development of methods for verifying the durability of structures,
- statistical evaluation of data,
- probabilistic calculations of building structures,
- implementation of European standards (Eurocodes) in the area of design principles and loading,
- creation of national annexes and amendments to ČSN EN 1990 and 1991.
The Department consistently participates in solving international research and educational projects within the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Lifelong Learning Program – Leonardo da Vinci and eea/norway grants.
In cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians and Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing, the Department of Structural Reliability organizes regular lifelong education courses on the principles of designing and loading building structures.