Centre of Technical Standardization
The Centre of Technical Standardization (CTS) of the Klokner Institute of the CTU participates in standardization in the areas of designing principles and reliability assessment of existing structures, load determination and risk assessment. The Centre’s employees participate in the creation of ČSN standards, EN Eurocodes and ISO standards.
The employees of the Klokner Institute participate in the creation of working documents and draft standards, including changes and corrections to them. They participate in standard-setting activities in national, European and international working groups for:
- climatic load
- traffic load
- principles of designing and evaluating the robustness of structures
- principles of evaluating existing structures
In these areas, TSC also provides consultations to the professional public in cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians.
Responsible persons
- prof. Ing. Milan Holický, DrSc. – milan.holicky@cvut.cz
- doc. Ing. Jana Marková, Ph.D. – jana.markova@cvut.cz
- Ing. Karel Jung, Ph.D. – karel.jung@cvut.cz
- Ing. Miroslav Sýkora, Ph.D. – miroslav.sykora@cvut.cz
- Ing. Marie Studničková, CSc. marie.studnickova@cvut.cz