Accredited test procedures
The Accredited Testing Laboratory of the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University follows test procedures according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The subject of accreditation is the testing of mechanical-physical and rheological properties of building materials, static and dynamic testing of building structures, including the investigation of dynamic effects on structures to the extent specified in the annex to the accreditation certificate.
Test procedures
The current list of test procedures carried out within the fixed and flexible scope of accreditation is governed by applicable standards and relates in particular to the following parameters:
- Density of a building material (e.g., concrete, mortar, and bricks),
- Determination of the dimensions of concrete elements,
- Determination of compressive strength,
- Determination of tensile strength by bending of test specimens,
- Tensile testing (e.g., of concrete welds or metallic materials),
- Determination of the strength of cement and mortar,
- Testing of electrical insulators, conductors and elements of outdoor lines,
- Masonry tests,
- Frost resistance tests,
- Testing of soils and aggregates
- Static tests of building structures
- Determination of masonry moisture
A detailed description of the accredited test procedures can be found in this document (PDF,256Kb).